Hello ambulance service, is the patient breathing?
Yes they are breathing
Ok can you tell me where you are?
We are on the school field at ABC School
Do you know the address of the school?
ABC School, Education Lane, Helpmeville
Do you know the Postal Code of the school?
it is SK00 1AB
Do you know the phone number you’re calling from?
the phone number is 01234 567 890
That is great, can you tell me what’s happened?
We were playing football. My friend has been tackled badly and fell. Their leg looks like it is at a funny angle and they are in a lot of pain.
Are they Conscious?
Yes they are
Are they bleeding?
No we can't see any blood
Do they have any pain elsewhere like in their chest?
No no just their leg
What’s your name?
(Say Your Name)
Ok an ambulance is on its way but can you help me a bit more?
Yes I can
How old is the patient?
they are 10 years old
Does the patient suffer from any other medical conditions like asthma?
Do they have any allergies?
Is anybody else hurt?
No just my friend
You have done really well thankyou, Can you let me know if the patient’s condition gets worse?
Ok I will
That’s great. Can you reassure your friend until the ambulance arrives, keeping them as still as possible
Is there someone there who can guide the ambulance to your friend or let them in?
One of the team is by the gate and holding it open for them
That’s brilliant, you have done really well. I can hear the crew have arrived now so I will now hang up ok?
Ok thank you
Good Bye